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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v12n11)
Banner Artist of the issue - Steve Paddack
posted: May 29, 2015

Banner Artist of the issue - Steve Paddack
image courtesy of Steve Paddack

Steve Paddack is the banner artist in this issue. Steve is a painter who lives in NoBro and paints in SoBro. A graduate of the Herron School of Art and the University of Illinois, he is the owner and founder of Paint Box Studios, Inc., a company which specializes in decorative and fine painting, and whose projects include the large scenic murals for the Treasures of the Earth permanent exhibit at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.
Steve was part of the first wave of Massachusetts Avenue artists, a movement that helped breathe life into the nascent downtown cultural awakening. Steve has shown extensively in Indianapolis and most recently participated in a two-person show in Cincinnati at Thunder-Sky Gallery.
Steve's work can be seen at and

Banner Artist of the issue - Steve Paddack
image courtesy of Steve Paddack

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