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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v12n06)
Right in my Own Backyard - Heard the One About a Bird? - by Brandt Carter
posted: Mar. 20, 2015

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Heard the One About a Bird?

In the last 10 years of serving the Broad Ripple area, lots of people have come into Backyard Birds. Most come to the store to buy bird food, bird houses, and bird baths. Many have a story to share. Those yarns are probably the best part of working in the store.
Stories range from "wild kingdom" tragedies about wildlife in people's backyards to accounts of great moments like owls hatching their young, pairs of pileated woodpeckers, or lost and found birds. The conversations are peppered with reports about pesky squirrels and chipmunks. People especially enjoy telling jokes that cause a smile or chuckle. Some of these are so good that I just have to pass them along. So here goes:

A duck walks into a drug store and buys a chapstick. The clerk says, "Will that be cash or charge?" The duck says, "Just put it on my bill!"

Two vultures were in the desert eating a dead clown. The first vulture asks the second vulture: "Does this taste funny to you?"

Q: Why do hummingbirds hum?
A: Because they don't know the words.

Q: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
A: Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be "bagels"

Q: Why did the little bird get in trouble at school?
A: Because he was caught tweeting on a test.

Q: What does a cat call a hummingbird?
A: Fast food.

Q: What is even smarter than a talking bird?
A: A spelling bee!

Q: What bird is with you at every meal?
A: A swallow.

One bird to the others as they flew over a Coca-Cola plant:
"Sure hope we're not in for a pop quiz."

One vulture to the other: "Venison for dinner again. . . oh dear."

Silly boy: I'd like to buy some bird seed.
Clerk: How many birds do you have?
Silly boy: None! I want to grow some.

Q: Why did the poultry farmer become a school teacher?
A: So he could grade his eggs.

Q: What do you get when you cross a rooster with a vegetable?
A: Chick peas

Q: Why does a chicken coop have only two doors?
A: If it had 4 it would be a sedan!

From there is a discussion about "Why the Chicken Crossed the Road" by world philosophers, writers, and famous people Just a few: Plato: For the greater good; Robert Frost: To cross the road less traveled; Aristotle: To fulfill its nature on the other side; Sir Edmund Hillary: Because it was there; Mark Twain: The news of its crossing has been greatly exaggerated.
Next time you see a bird and look out on your bird feeders or chicken coup, remember the humor inspired by our feathered friends. They contribute much to our backyard, our well-being, and conversations.

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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