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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n20)
Alzheimer's Association Indianapolis Walk - by Mario Morone
by Mario Morone
posted: Oct. 03, 2014

The Alzheimer's Association asks Marion and surrounding county residents to join an effort to reclaim the future for millions by participating in the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's on Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014, at Military Park, 601 W. New York Street. The Indianapolis Walk was named the nation's eighth-largest of nearly 650 such walks across the country.
According to a recent press release, the "Walk to End Alzheimer's is more than a walk along the canal. It is an experience for nearly 4,000 local participants to learn about Alzheimer's disease and how to get involved with this critical cause."
Registrants receive a Promise Flower, making a commitment to fulfill their promise to remember, to honor, to care and to fight Alzheimer's disease. Through color, these Promise Flowers represent the diverse reasons participants have gathered, and each Promise Flower carries a hand-written message to further strengthen their dedication. The colors combined - orange, for advocates desiring an end to Alzheimer's; yellow, for those currently caring for an individual with Alzheimer's or dementia; purple, for those who have lost a loved one to the disease; and blue, for those with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's or dementia - create a powerful, visual message that this disease affects too many lives in our community and world.
Leah Shattuck is the Communications Director of the Alzheimer's Association Greater Indiana Chapter: "With rapid numbers rising, chances are that you or someone you know is touched by Alzheimer's disease or dementia somehow - whether living with the disease or caring for a loved one. The Walk to End Alzheimer's is a celebratory way to honor those lost and those of the future. Funds raised help support the Alzheimer's Association programs and services around the state and help fund Alzheimer's disease research," she noted. Ms. Shattuck was formerly Communications Coordinator of Joy's House in Broad Ripple.
To start or join a team, visit To learn more about available resources, call the Alzheimer's Association toll-free helpline at (800) 272-3900.
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