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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n20)
Banner Artist of the issue - Kristy Quinn
posted: Oct. 03, 2014

Banner Artist of the issue - Kristy Quinn
image courtesy of Kristy Quinn

The artist for this banner is Kristy Quinn. Kristy Quinn is an Irvington artist and resident working from her home studio. Kristy works predominantly with plaster and acrylic paint. The banner art is titled Labyrinth. She is particularly inspired by the colors and textures of nature and the explosive and energized cosmos. Depth, intense color, and motion encourages viewers to be actively engaged with her pieces, meandering through hills and valleys or being transported to the wonder of unknown galaxies. Quinn holds a deep conviction that art is interpreted and intimately experienced by the viewer's personal journey rather than directed by the artist. Her art career began in 2008 when she created her first mixed media piece. Quinn's work was significantly impacted and informed after a spiritual sabbatical to Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, where one of Georgia O'Keefe's studios is located. Quinn has participated in juried events and other exhibits in the greater Indianapolis area. Her work is currently available at the Bonna Shops in Irvington. She is developing three series of work, Cosmos, Labyrinth, and Tectonic Shift. 317.796.0383

Banner Artist of the issue - Kristy Quinn
image courtesy of Kristy Quinn

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Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins