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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n19)
Letters to the Editor - James McKenzie
posted: Sept. 19, 2014

Note to our readers: Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and not necessarily those of this paper.

I have lived in Broad Ripple at 67th Street & College Avenue for 42 years. During this time I have watched 18 pine trees lining College Avenue in front of The Edgewater Apartments grow from 3 to 4 foot trees to beautifully reach 25 to 45 feet at present.
A few years ago The Army Corps of Engineers constructed a flood wall south along College Avenue to and then east on 67th Street. We have been advised 6 (1/3 of our pine trees) must be removed for easy access to the flood wall should it need repairs some time in the future. I cannot understand why they must be removed now for a repair that may be 20, 30, 40 years in the future.
The pine trees were there during construction of the flood wall and did not hinder its completion in any way. If they did not hinder the building of the wall how can the pine trees hinder its repair?
Besides the beauty of these trees, they are a haven for an abundance of birds during the early morning & early evening hours.
I feel our Government either does not understand the situation or it just doesn't care.

James McKenzie,
Property Manager, Edgewater
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