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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n19)
Banner Artist of the issue - Justin Vining
posted: Sept. 19, 2014

Banner Artist of the issue - Justin Vining
image courtesy of Justin Vining

The artist for this banner is Justin Vining, a Broad Ripple resident with a studio in the Harrison Center for the Arts. The banner is a painting of Broad Ripple Avenue.
Justin grew up on a small family farm in Northern Indiana, working the land of three generations of Vinings. He frequently draws inspiration from rural America and has become fascinated with the disappearance of small family farms that once dominated the American Landscape.
Further inspiration comes from his time in law school. In the fall of 2007, Justin left his job as an elementary art teacher to attend law school with his younger brother. His return to school transformed his passion for art into something bigger. Needing an escape as finals approached his first semester, he picked up a paint brush and subsequently painted a series of work that was stronger than anything before. After graduating and passing the bar, he shifted his focus to art - pursuing his once hobby as a full-time, flourishing business.

Banner Artist of the issue - Justin Vining
image courtesy of Justin Vining

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