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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n18)
Banner Artist of the issue - James Kelly
posted: Sept. 05, 2014

Banner Artist of the issue - James Kelly
image courtesy of James Kelly

The artist for this banner is James Kelly. James Kelly graduated from John Herron School of Art & Design. After graduating from Herron, he studied commercial art and graphic design at the Colorado Institute of Art. In 1999, he moved back to Indianapolis to pursue his fine art career. In 2003, he rented a studio space on south Madison Avenue, which had been an old chemical plant. He named his art studio Mad Lab Studio.
James specializes in portraiture, and is known for his ability to capture his subject's unique personality in a lively, colorful painting. In 2012, he was commissioned by the City of Indianapolis to complete ten portraits of famous Hoosiers for The Georgia Street Legacy Project. Please visit his website at for more information.

Banner Artist of the issue - James Kelly
image courtesy of James Kelly

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