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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n18)
Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
posted: Sept. 05, 2014

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Dog pass price reduction, fall classes at BR Park
The dog park price at Broad Ripple Park will reduce to $40 on September 1st, 2014, and will be good through the end of the year. Also, registration is now open for your fall classes at the Park. They can register online at

IndyCog wants Monon Trail open 24 hours
Bicycle advocacy group IndyCog is seeking to extend the hours of access to 24 hours. They say the reasons to extend the trail hours include:
-many work and recreation trips that fall outside these hours and we feel that there is no reason to force individuals onto the surrounding streets when we have underutilized non-motorized transportation corridors throughout the city
-the more people traveling these corridors, the safer they will be for all users, and
-Indy is one of the few cities to have limited hours of access to our greenway system
Their goal is to collect 1,000 signatures on their petition before the IndyParks Board Meeting on October 28th, 2014. Find them on Facebook or on their website,

Micro-farming comes to the Ripple
Joe Huff is working the soil which has been placed on top of wood chips. He works for The Patachou Foundation as well as Growing Places Indy. The former is a new non-profit restaurant opening across the Monon from the farm area. The latter is a non-profit that has micro farms throughout the city. Joe will be planting broccoli, cabbage, and kale. The wood chips kill the grass underneath. The food will be sold in the new Patachou restaurant which is donating profits to charity.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

Neo-impressionism, fall equinox event scheduled (IMA news)
Have you been to the new art exhibit, neo-impressionism, at the Indianapolis Museum of Art? Also, the autumn equinox event will be held on September 20, 2014, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park.

At the BR Farmers Market
Goat cheese products now available
Have you sampled the goat cheese at Caprini Creamery at the BR Farmers Market? The creamery is located in Spiceland and is owned by Kristy Kikly. They also make the cheese right on the farm.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

Do you like pretzels?
Also at the market is Pat's Philly Pretzels. They also have a store at 42nd/College. The most popular spread for the pretzel is jalapeno.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

Use WIC checks and SNAP benefits at the Market
Did you know? Many market vendors accept SNAP (formerly food stamps) as well as WIC (women's infant children) checks. WIC is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and children eat well and stay healthy. Employees of the Marion County WIC program were at the Market recently. The program gives out a check of up to $18 for eligible clients to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Bill Malcolm

Goldenrod and other fall flowers at Holliday Park
Enjoy the goldenrod. It is now in bloom at Holliday Park as are aster and other fall flowers. Last issue's photo of the sneezeweed was also taken by Norma and is from her book Wildflowers of Holliday Park. Note that the book is available at the Holliday Park Nature Center, Wild Birds Unlimited at River Crossing, Kids Ink, The History Center, and Indy Reads.

Round the Ripple by Bill Malcolm
image courtesy of Norma Wallman

Bill Malcolm also writes a travel column in The Midwest Eagle and is a reporter for All Aboard Indiana (as a volunteer for both). He advocates for fair and affordable utility rates for a national association based in Washington, D.C. He welcomes reader feedback and story ideas. Send to
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