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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n17)
Random Rippling - Hoops on Canal
posted: Aug. 22, 2014

You have likely seen these hoop structures along the banks of the canal.
According to Sarah Holsapple of Citizens Energy Group, "The hoops have been installed in order to keep geese away from newly planted grasses and plants. The grasses and plants are all native to Indiana and will require less maintenance and hold the slope better than the grass previously planted in that area. The contractor has only planted the new grasses and plants in small area of the canal (750 feet) in order to test to see how well it grows. Within the next couple years, we should know if it was successful and then we'll plant it along the rest of the canal. Another test area with different plant species have been planted just south of the Central Bridge."

Random Rippling - Hoops on Canal

Random Rippling - Hoops on Canal

Random Rippling - Hoops on Canal

Random Rippling - Hoops on Canal

Random Rippling - Hoops on Canal

Random Rippling - Hoops on Canal

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