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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n15)
Vintage Vogue by GW - by Mario Morone
by Mario Morone
posted: Jul. 25, 2014

Vintage Vogue by GW (Goodwill) offers consumers an eclectic selection of fashions at this Glendale-area store, located at 2361 E. 62nd Street.

Vintage Vogue opened on June 17
Vintage Vogue opened on June 17
image courtesy of Mario Morone

"There's a combination of vintage and high-end fashions that you might not see or would have to hunt for in our traditional Goodwill stores. What we do is pull merchandise from our 50 stores that fit the Vintage Vogue product description. The definition of vintage is twenty years old, so something that was made in the early 1990s would be considered vintage. If you're looking for that '50s or '60s look, those are a little harder to find. We have men's and women's clothes, furniture and some accessories, like vases, artwork, statues and some unique pieces like handbags, shoes, jewelry and scarves," said Cindy Graham, Vice President of Marketing.

Vintage Vogue by GW - by Mario Morone
image courtesy of Mario Morone

"We have had a Vintage Vogue in Bloomington for about three years on [422 E.] Kirkwood Avenue, very close to the Indiana University campus. The model wasn't actually started by us, but by other Goodwill stores across the country. We began looking at this idea in Monroe County. Last year, we began looking for a site in Marion County for Vintage Vogue. We thought the store had a good location within the Broad Ripple area. We thought the merchandise mix would appeal to teenagers, early 20s, as well as to those in their 50s. It's not a model that we'll frequently replicate. We will keep it exclusive to the area," she emphasized.
"On Wednesdays, anyone 55 years and older receives a 30 percent discount. This store will also participate in our 50 percent off sales the first Saturday of every month. We don't accept donations at this store, but we do have a location close by at 6161 N. Keystone Avenue that does. The proceeds from sales at Vintage Vogue and other Goodwill stores provide funding for employment and educational services for individuals in Central Indiana," Graham noted.

Vintage Vogue sells clothes and furniture at 2361 E. 62nd Street.
Vintage Vogue sells clothes and furniture at 2361 E. 62nd Street.
image courtesy of Mario Morone

Vintage Vogue's store hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. Their website,, contains more information. Questions can be answered by calling the boutique at 252-5348.
Vintage Vogue offers clothing, furniture and accessories for sale at affordable prices and helps provide a bright future for citizens in the local community.
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Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins