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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n15)
Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
posted: Jul. 25, 2014

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Originally I came on board this publication to write about pet topics, which I do, but often I write about neighborhood and past trivia. So this issue I want to stay on course and tell you about some pet related interests that you might benefit from, in no particular order.
• The Indiana State Fair is coming and one of the animals that your kids would love to see is rabbits. I have a friend from Ft. Wayne who lives on ten acres and she has raised her kids in 4H. Her youngest just graduated high school and is off to college so this is her last year to fill the van with cages and bring the bunnies for judging. I advise you to go the first few days of the fair so as not to miss them. They arrive before opening day so they are done early in the fair schedule and ready to go home. It is in the poultry barn and housed with the most incredible chickens and roosters. Both the poultry and rabbits have many different breeds and some are very odd and others the stuff artists love to paint. Don't miss them. You will be amazed how many there are. It's a good place to buy a new pet bunny. You know what they say about rabbits multiplying and those 4H kids don't know what to do with all of them.
• If you have a dog that loves to exercise and swim a wonderful nature place is Marott Park, across from Park Tudor School at 71st and College. White River runs behind it and lots of dogs swim there. It's a great place to fetch in the water. Some dogs love it even in the winter.
• Our friends at Paw Patch Place have moved their vet clinic next door to American Village on 54th Street just west of Keystone. I have been on a private tour with Dr. Penny Dowden so I can tell you firsthand what a super job she did relocating her practice. It is so spacious. She has made a separate waiting area for kitty clients so they are not as freaked as cats always are. Parking is a breeze and safe away from traffic which had been a big concern.
• August 27, 2014, the Indianapolis Indians will host, for the second time this season, "Bark in the Park". A special place at Victory Field will be reserved for fans and their pets to watch the game. Tickets start at $20.00 (one person, one dog). One $20.00 human ticket must be purchased for every dog brought to the game. Additional human tickets (without a dog) are $8.00. Fans bringing two or more dogs must bring an additional human per dog. For more information call the box office at (317) 269-3545.
• Your dog or cat could be the next hero by becoming a blood donor to IndyVet's Canine and Feline Blood Bank. Blood is used by IndyVet and other veterinary hospitals throughout Indiana and across the country for transfusions during emergency treatments, major surgeries and anemia. Each unit collected can save 2-4 pets. Donors must meet age requirements (between 1-8 years), minimum weight requirements (35 pounds dog-9 pounds cat), must have good general health, current on all vaccinations, and taking heartworm medication (dogs). Each qualifying donor receives a complimentary, comprehensive physical exam and yearly blood work. Donors who commit to the minimum number of annual donations receive at no charge: annual exams and vaccines, heartworm testing and 40% discount on select services, including heartworm and flea medications and emergency services. For more information call IndyVet at (317)782-4484.

Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith
image courtesy of Susan Smith

• While this is not a pet, one of my favorite animals is the lemur. The Ring-tailed Lemur has always intrigued me and I go out of my way to see them at the zoo. They are such monkeys and I guess they nearly are. A photo I share here was taken last summer at the primate house at the St. Louis Zoo. While on a business trip to that city I made a special visit to the zoo and to see them. I was super excited to see that Patricia C. Wright, the winner of this year's Indianapolis Prize, will open the 2014-15 J. James Woods Lectures at Butler University. Wright is a professor at Stony Brook (N.Y.) University and won the Indianapolis Prize for her work in protecting lemurs in Madagascar. The lectures are in the Reilly Room at the Atherton Union. They are free and open to the public without tickets. Patricia C. Wright's lecture "Saving Lemurs From Extinction: The Challenges" is 7:30 p.m. September 29, 2014. Call (317) 940-9657 for lecture series information. I can't be there because we will be on vacation. I am so disappointed!
As I always say. . . .Pets make you smile!

Susan Smith is a life-long area resident and is the owner of City Dogs Grocery located at 52nd and College. Send your pet related questions/comments to
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