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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n12)
Random Rippling - Community of Hostellers Excited about Future
posted: Jun. 13, 2014

Recently the first annual Heartland Hostel Summit took place at Indy Hostel in the SoBro neighborhood of Indianapolis. 25 hostel owners and staff from around the Midwest area came together in the spirit of sharing and partnership to find ways to improve and promote hostelling in the US.
The two-day event was an open forum with discussions ranging from improving guest services, enhancing social media and online marketing (Dan Fahrner from the marketing and web design firm SmallBox was in attendance as the Guest Speaker), opening new markets and possible methods of collaboration. "Our goal is to bring travelers from around the world to the Midwest and keep them interested in exploring the region," said one hostel owner. This was also a chance for many of the owners to meet each other for the first time and learn about what the surrounding cities have to offer.
Each hostel in attendance was unique in style, location, and personnel but they all share their passion for hostelling and dedication to making hostels a popular stop for all travelers in the United States. "Most guests who are first time hostellers tell us they will be back in the future, realizing that a "locals only" restaurant tip, guided tour from a hostel staff member, or an unexpected conversation with a fellow traveler is all it took to make them fall in love with a city." Especially now that most hostels offer private accommodation with en-suite restrooms as an option, these hostels hope the next time you take a trip you will experience a hostel for yourself.

Random Rippling - Community of Hostellers Excited about Future
image courtesy of Indy Hostel

Random Rippling - Community of Hostellers Excited about Future
image courtesy of Indy Hostel

Random Rippling - Community of Hostellers Excited about Future
image courtesy of Indy Hostel

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Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins