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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n12)
Banner Artist of the issue - Christine Coleman - Embellished Energy
posted: Jun. 13, 2014

Banner Artist of the issue - Christine Coleman - Embellished Energy
image courtesy of Christine Coleman

Broad Ripple is my favorite neighborhood in Indianapolis. I moved here a few years ago and can't imagine living anywhere else. This area is so vibrant and lively, filled with lots of great restaurants and shops and is close to downtown also!
When I heard about this Celebration of the Broad Ripple Gazette I immediately wanted to participate, and envisioned a design that reflects the excitement and spirit of the neighborhood. It seemed that it should be very colorful and have a lot of motion to it. I chose felt as the medium, and seed beads and stitching to form the letters.
I actually have a background in Printmaking; I attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and received an MFA (and BFA) while there. So many of the interests that I have relate back to printmaking in an abstract way; a love of process and multiples, of pattern and color. Other ways of creating that I love involve painting and making jewelry; these different methods are analogous to having a taste for something - sometimes you want a pizza, sometimes a salad. Art for me is a way to relax, challenge myself and try out different methods of problem solving. Although I've been back in Indianapolis for several years now, it is only now that I've had the opportunity to spend time pursuing these things that have real value to me.
My jewelry can be found locally at Arts A' Poppin on Massachusetts Ave.
Etsy: CMarieColeman
Facebook: CMarieColeman
Twitter: @cmariecoleman

Banner Artist of the issue - Christine Coleman - Embellished Energy
image courtesy of Christine Coleman

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Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins