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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n10)
Right in my Own Backyard - A+ Outdoor Activity - by Brandt Carter
posted: May 16, 2014

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A+ Outdoor Activity
Note to parents: Tired of rushing kids to after-school activities, bothered by the cost of sports, music, and dance lessons or Tae Kwan Do? Weary from all the effort of keeping children as programmed as their friends? Wondering what long-term effect all the electronic and digital contact will have on your youngster's behavior? Here is a simple resolution: unplug, go outside, and take a deep breath. . . with your kids.
Try a new tack. Begin observing the environment. Your yard, greenways, parks offer amazing adventures that can rival the best of PBS programs. You don't have to go far or incur expense. Start exploring.
One of the best ways to engage with your yard and your neighborhood is to start bird watching. Parents who want their children to progress with this hobby can tap into Indiana Young Birders Club. This youth organization is under the auspices of the Indiana Audubon Society (, and you can get your kids connected through the society's Facebook page.
Birdman Gray, who has led many local bird watching hikes and worked with the IYBC Cool Creek Park in Carmel, tells me how fun it is to bird with kids because of their joy and curiosity. It's rewarding to turn them on to something other than a computer game or phone app. Did you realize bird watching is the purest form of mobile interaction?
The best part of this activity is the whole family can enjoy watching birds -at home, on the Monon Trail, or in one of our parks. You can do it anywhere, anytime, and for as long as you want. The only demands are what you yourself impose.
So if you want to get started. . .
1. Slow down and look up.
2. Spot a bird, have everyone see it, identify it (You may need to use an app, a field guide, or a human guide). You can identify birds by noting their shapes or hearing their songs.
3. Additional activities can involve making lists of birds that have been seen by day, by location, by season; draw what you have seen; photograph the birds.
In addition to Eagle Creek, Marion College, and the Indianapolis Park System nature programs, I googled "Birding in Indianapolis" and was pleased to find a wonderful site. It is the Birding Trail of Indianapolis. This internet site guides local residents and out-of-town guests to some of the well-known spots and hidden gems for birders and nature lovers within Marion County.

Right in my Own Backyard - A+ Outdoor Activity - by Brandt Carter

From the site.
Bird watching is an expansive hobby. From my own experience, once young children learn their birds, they never forget them. This information seems to stay with you for life. Unlike many childhood activities, bird watching and bird feeding have lasting imprints. According to the Young Birders Facebook, "Birding today, Protecting tomorrow." Your child can be the next friend of nature. So take kids outside. Engage another family or their pals in a friendly competition; explore Broad Ripple and Marion County. Learn about your country from a "bird's eye" view.

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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