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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n09)
April land use meeting
by Alan Hague
posted: May 02, 2014

The April meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) Land Use and Development committee was held on April 22, 2014, at the Indianapolis Art Center. Three items were on the agenda, but only the first one was up for a committee vote, the last two were for information only.

Chris Knape describing the HopCat proposal for a 130 tap beer restaurant at the meeting.
Chris Knape describing the HopCat proposal for a 130 tap beer restaurant at the meeting.

A. 1724 Broad Ripple Avenue, Kevin Buchheit regarding a variance and sign regulation to provide for a dental office with 13 parking spaces (20 required) and a four-foot tall, 18.33 square foot freestanding sign, with a two-foot front setback from Broad Ripple Ave.(15 feet required). Petition #2014-DV2-006 Hearing May 13, 2014 before Board of Zoning Appeals.
This request is for a sign at the new Martin Dentistry that will be built at 1724 Broad Ripple Avenue. This was a follow up appearance to show the new sign color requested at the previous meeting. The committee voted to support the new sign design.
B. 6265 Broadway Street, Tad Lupton with beyond Architecture and Greg Stoll owner of the property, regarding redevelopment of the property for multifamily use. Have not yet filed with DMD but are working with staff.
concerns for the project.
C. 6280 College Avenue, Suite 700, regarding establishing a HopCat craft beer bar and restaurant in the large anchor location at the parking garage. Owners are from Grand Rapids and East Lansing Michigan where there are several of these. Under 21 allowed with parents until 8 p.m. then 21+ only after 8 p.m.
The HopCat team explained the layout of the proposed HopCat restaurant and bar and gave a background of their other restaurants in Michigan. HopCat would have 320 seats with outdoor dining along College Avenue. The team plans to spend 2.5 million dollars to build HopCat in the northernmost space of the mixed-use parking facility. Their Michigan locations do about 50% food sales and 50% alcohol sales. It was emphasized that HopCat will not be a sports bar or a heavy drinking bar. It is a place for patrons (including families in the early evening) to enjoy dinner and craft beers.
Due to the zoning designations of the new parking facility no zoning changes or variances are expected to be required.

April land use meeting
image courtesy of HopCat

The next public meeting of the committee is planned for Tuesday, May 27, 2014, at 6pm at the Indianapolis Art Center, 820 E. 67th Street [A4 on map].
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