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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n07)
Call to Artists: Year-long art project to mark 10th anniversary of BRG
by Alan Hague
posted: Apr. 04, 2014

The Broad Ripple Gazette is turning 10 in May! To celebrate, we will turn over part of the front page to the art and creativity of 26 local artists in the next year's worth of Gazettes. Each issue will feature a new banner on the front page with the text "The Broad Ripple Gazette" replaced by each artist's rendition. The final printed size is 1" tall by 7.5" wide. Each artist is free to fill that space, while incorporating the words "The Broad Ripple Gazette" in some readable manner.
Interested artists (painting, pencil, photography, tattoo, cartoon, ceramics, wood, metal, or any kind of art media you can come up with) can contact the Gazette at to request to be included in the project. We will fill the 26 slots in the year-long calendar and give a deadline to each artist as slots are available.
Artists would then submit a high-res image of the banner piece (B&W or COLOR) in TIF, PDF or JPG, a one or two paragraph artist bio, a high-res photo for the artist, and a signed copy of the contributor agreement by the given deadline. The agreement gives the Gazette rights to publish the art, but allows the artist to retain ownership and rights to the art.
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Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins