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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n07)
Gettin' Ripped in Ripple - Respect and Don't Ride - by Laura Minor
posted: Apr. 04, 2014

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Respect and Don't Ride
At the latter part of this April, I will be returning to Boston to attempt this famous marathon again in the wake of last year's tragic events. Unfortunately and very understandably, there will be many changes this year, and likely in all of the years to come, which will hopefully make runners and spectators become patient and respectful to the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.), victims of the bombings and everyone affected by it not to mention for the safety of everyone along the 26.2 mile course. The B.A.A. has worked tirelessly to address how it was going to handle all of the many factors surrounding how to react to the misfortune that occurred to such a joyous day and event; from deciding how to handle those who didn't finish, to how to handle the runners gear check, to making the course as safe as possible and still enjoyable for runners and spectators alike. And, the B.A.A. has been praised for its attention and efforts by the entire world.
Therefore, you can imagine my surprise when I read an article entitled: "Some Bicyclists Will Carry on Boston Tradition: Those who ride marathon course day of race have been asked not to." Really?! So, apparently hundreds (likely thousands) of cyclists show up very early on race morning to ride the full course, and many also ride it back to the start line in Hopkinton to take advantage of the Patriot's Monday off and the luxury of closed streets where there is usually heavy traffic.
The article reads: "The guerrilla ride was never sanctioned, but it's been tolerated by authorities, as long as the bikes were off the course before the wheelchair competitors were on it.
Now cyclists are being asked to stay away so that the route can be secured. And while some are making alternate plans, others plan to continue the ride."
In fact, NOT ONLY are many continuing to ride this year, but due to the tragedy there is a surge of new riders joining in as a way to "connect with the marathon".
In an effort to thwart this ride, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority has canceled a designated train it ran last year to carry 700 midnight riders to Southborough, near Hopkinton. But nevertheless, gobs of cyclists are chartering buses and renting trailers, or pedaling to the start. Making the tiny town of the start line, Hopkinton, even more congested undoubtedly.
While I feel that this "idea" is cool, as an effort to promote fitness and a way to enjoy a sacred holiday, I feel that these cyclists are being extremely selfish and insensitive to the situation. The safety officials and the B.A.A. have enough to worry about this year to implement all of the new protocols, and the last thing they need to deal with is another potential hurdle.
It is a Marathon. . . not a bike tour. There are thousands of organized rides every year that these riders could attend. Or, god forbid, they organize their own separate ride on the same day at another location in Boston to commemorate the marathon (if it is really about that).
And back to the fact that this year brings new riders, some of which may be inexperienced. What if someone falls and create a huge crash with dozens of cyclists? This could certainly happen especially due to the hilly and winding course. This could cause several of the safety officials intended for the marathon to attend to this problem. What if this ride distracts those who set up water stations, checkpoints, first aid stations, police, etc, ETC?! Again, this is selfish especially when they were "asked" not to ride. I am surprised that the Boston Police can't make this illegal in the first year after the bombings.
What adds insult to injury, a decade long tradition will be missing from this year's Boston Marathon. Ruck marchers will not be allowed to make the 26.2-mile trek from Hopkinton to Boylston because they are considered "unauthorized participants." Active members of the military have participated in ruck marches at the Boston Marathon for years. Donning full fatigues and carrying 40-pound rucksacks on their backs, ruckers march the length of the course in support of families of fallen soldiers. However, because they were also "asked" not to, they will not be there. It was so cool to see them on the course getting huge cheers from the excited spectators; I will miss that 🙁
Sadly, but not surprisingly when reading the online comments to the article, there is a clear rift in the biking-running community, and I feel that in doing a ride such as this, it is not helping matters in that area as well. Maybe I will lace up next year and run the Tour De France. . . ??? If the cyclists truly want to feel connected to the Boston Marathon, maybe they should consider qualifying and actually running it; or better yet volunteer at a water stop or the finish line.

Laura Minor owner and operator of So.Be.Fit. Personal Training and Fitness studio located at 54th and the Monon. She is passionate about teaching others how to "FIT" exercise and physical activity into their daily lives, and have fun while doing so! Visit her website at or e-mail
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