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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n06)
Breakfast Optimists helping area youth
posted: Mar. 21, 2014

Breakfast Optimist Club of Indianapolis sponsors basketball contests. The club promotes fun and good physical fitness through the Pass, Dribble, and Shoot program. Since 1977 the club has sponsored the program at the Concord Center at 1320 S. Meridian Street. Concord Center has been serving the inner city youth and community for over 100 years. Recently the club conducted the contest for different age groups, boys and girls. The first place winners of the different age groups continue to the state finals.
The Breakfast Optimist Club has been serving youth and the community since 1958, now in its 55th year. The club meets at 7:30am every week at Perkin's Restaurant on East 82nd and Allisonville Road.
Other projects are:
- Buying hearing aids for kids who cannot afford them
- Contest for essays and oratorical. District winners receive a $2500 scholarship
- Respect for Law Camp
- Special Olympics
Contact Elbert Bradshaw at (317) 844-2076 or Rick Possson at (317) 946-1378 for more information.

Breakfast Optimists helping area youth
image courtesy of Elbert Bradshaw

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