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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n05)
Frog's Random Rippling - Valentine's Day
posted: Mar. 07, 2014

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"Every once in a while".....I was shoveling the snow from the sidewalks outside of Broad Ripple Village properties when we received the 5 1/2 inches of snow Valentine's Day. You remember, the day when the weather man said 1-2 inches? Anyway, I was just about to fall out from total exhaustion trying to keep up with Mother Nature. I had used up my first and second wind. I was giving out fast when I looked up at this pole and got my third wind immediately. Even though this graffiti is illegal and I do NOT sanction it by any means ......Every once in a while, a few well placed words make all of the difference in the world to some one !

Frog's Random Rippling - Valentine's Day
image courtesy of C. "Frog" Russell
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