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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n05)
February land use meeting shows expansions
by Alan Hague
posted: Mar. 07, 2014

The February public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association's Land Use and Development committee was held on the 25th in the Indianapolis Art Center's Ruth Lilly Library at 6pm. There were around 20 in attendance. Three items were on the agenda.
1) 834 E. 64th Street, Greg Ginrich regarding a 210 type alcoholic beverage permit for Hilliard James, LLC d/b/a Sangrita, located at 834 E. 64th Street to serve beer, wine and liquor, on premise only. Hearing, April 7, 2014 before the Marion County Alcoholic Beverage Board.
This was the second time Sangrita has presented. The location is the old Greek's Pizzeria on 64th Street. Sangrita would be a family restaurant that would completely renovate the property, including finishing the sidewalks. The board voted to support this petition.
2) 6542 Westfield Boulevard, David Gilman for Stenz Construction regarding the rezoning of 1.6 acres from the C-S (FF) to the C-S (FF) district to provide for retail uses, with outdoor seating and a variance of development standards of the commercial zoning ordinance to provide for a zero-foot rear transitional yard (15 feet required) Petition #2014-CZN-800 / 2014-CVR-800. Agreed to hearing continuance to Thursday, February 27, 2014 before the Metropolitan Development Commission.
This was the second time this petition has been presented. The project is to expand the Cross Fit fitness center and to add retails spots at Howald Heating and Cooling at 65th and Westfield Boulevard. Several of the suggestions from the last meeting were incorporated in the design. The final plans were not available at the meeting, so the committee decided to table the issue and to vote electronically once the plans are published.

David Gilman presenting
David Gilman presenting

3) 6265 Broadway Street, Tad Lupton representing Greg Stoll, owner of the property to explain redevelopment of the lot. Looking for information, ideas, and guidelines to update this section of Broad Ripple.
This item was for information only. The petitioner was looking for feedback on a project to raze the home behind CVS, at Broadway and the canal, to construct a 40 foot tall, three to five unit residence. The committee was split on thinking it fit fairly well with the CVS and future Whole Foods to the east, and the parking garage to the south, and on thinking it had no place in that established neighborhood.

February land use meeting shows expansions

February land use meeting shows expansions

February land use meeting shows expansions
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