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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n04)
Gettin' Ripped in Ripple - by Laura Minor
posted: Feb. 21, 2014

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So. . . .I'm getting out the good ol' soap box for this one. I am sure and understand that many people will not agree with me on this topic, and I totally get it. But we can agree to disagree. . . or maybe a better phrase would be that we just do not see eye to eye. But everyone is entitled to his/her opinion and since I have the luck of writing this column, I felt like sharing mine with the BR Gazette readers.
Every winter, and this one in particular since it is especially nasty and long, many brave people go to great lengths to gear up (this is quite a feat in fact) to get outdoors to get in some exercise. Whether it be snowshoeing, running, skiing, walking or even cycling, doing so is not for the faint of heart due to the subzero temperatures and hazardous road/trail conditions. In fact, many days I think I may be crazy that I hassle with all the effort to get out there for a run when my weather channel app has a huge orange exclamation point symbolizing severe weather. However, I never ever regret getting out after I am done, and that is what forces me to layer up and be a snow bunny.
However, every winter I also battle with angry motorists either nearly running me over, honking/yelling at me to get out of the road, or throwing their arms up in frustration. You see, the 2 seconds that it may take to get around me while I am braving the elements is apparently more important than my safety. Yes, I can see why people think it is ridiculous that some venture onto the winter roads, so I would like to try and explain the "rationale" behind why (at least in my case) we do so.
Argument 1: The roads are only for cars.
automobile riders." I pay my taxes, just like everyone else and as long as I obey the laws of the road I feel I am just as entitled to be on the roads as vehicles.
Argument 2: Use the Monon.
Yes, I often run on the Monon trail, but you can only run on the pretty flat and straight path so much until you are bored to tears. Also, people training for long distances such as a marathon or events that require hill climbing need variety and changing elevation.
Argument 3: Go on a treadmill.
I hardly even feel that I need to comment on this one as a treadmill for most is the definition of evil. Well, necessary evil at times, but the gerbil wheel is about the most boring things on the planet. Yes, I own two and see the value in using them, but it certainly isn't anything I would choose to do over being outdoors.
Hopefully some of my reasons will make sense to many of you and next time you are approaching a runner/cyclist on the road, rather than being tempted to drive right into that huge puddle to splash slush all over them (happens ALL the time), you will respectfully move around them. Either that or I may have to hide out and run on the Monon for the next couple of months to avoid those who disagree. 😄

Laura Minor owner and operator of So.Be.Fit. Personal Training and Fitness studio located at 54th and the Monon. She is passionate about teaching others how to "FIT" exercise and physical activity into their daily lives, and have fun while doing so! Visit her website at or e-mail
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