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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n01)
The Wine Scene: by Jill A. Ditmire
posted: Jan. 10, 2014

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I Started to Write a Column and We Had a Blizzard...
(Sunday January 5, 2014)
Every kid should have a blizzard. I remember the big snow of 1978. We had what seemed like MORE than 10 inches of snow. To a kid, it always seems to be MORE than less. What a nice trait.
Today as I was out doing round two of shoveling what will be the "new" record setting snow day in Indiana, three of the neighbor boys were tromping through the back alley. One asked, "Hey, aren't you the news lady?" And I said, "Yes."
He said, "Did you forecast this?" I laughed and said I had been telling people about it coming on the news but I wasn't responsible for it. He said disappointed, "Oh. I think it's really neat".
How about that. And you know. It IS really neat. To appreciate it as a child.
Or a dog.
Another neighbor's new pup was anything but worried about the white stuff as he frolicked in their yard earlier in the afternoon.
This day a year ago I had to put down my beloved dog Harp. His brother Guinness had gone before him in 2006. But sweet Harp was nearly 15 years old and despite the fact that he couldn't hear too well, or walk on his own, he still LOVED to go out in the snow.
So as I listen to the silence of the snow except for the occasional snap of a frozen branch or THUD as a clump of snow falls to the ground, I will make an effort to appreciate it more. Like a kid or a dog.
But like an adult I did find a useful purpose for the ice cold frozen water. It chilled a bottle of J Cuvee Brut in less than 15 minutes. Aah, some days it IS good to be a grown up!
When I was a kid in 1978 my family and the neighbors gathered for dinner that night of the blizzard and shared food and laughter.
I remember the adults enjoying some beverages and we kids just delighted that the adults seemed to be having so much fun. On this wintry night, I shared that bottle of J Cuvee with some of my fellow snow bound neighbors. It was a true winter warmer.
J Cuvee Brut 20, California-crisp, refreshing. Notes of citrus and green apple on the nose and palate. Sensational on its own but better shared with a variety of neighborhood pot luck foods.

Jill A. Ditmire is an Omnimedia wine specialist, AWS certified wine judge, freelance broadcast journalist and 20+ year home owner in the Warfleigh neighborhood of Broad Ripple. Send your questions and comments to Jill at
Also on INSTAGRAM @jaditmire
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