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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v10n08)
National Heritage Essay Contest Winners
posted: Apr. 26, 2013

The Sertoma Club of Broad Ripple announced the winners of its annual National Heritage Essay Contest at the club's weekly luncheon meeting Wednesday, April 17, 2013. A total of 532 essays were submitted by 6th grade students in 46 classrooms at 12 Indianapolis area middle and intermediate schools. The subject of the essays was "What Freedom Means to Me".
Each year, cash awards are given for Classroom Winners, Finalists, Grand Prize Winners and Most Creative Essay. This year's three Grand Prize Winners and the Most Creative Essay Winner were recognized at the luncheon on April 17. The students, accompanied by their parents and teachers read their essays to the members of the Sertoma Club of Broad Ripple and guests in attendance. Cash awards and plaques were presented to the three Grand Prize Winners, the Most Creative Essay Winner and to the teachers of each of those students. This year the Sertoma Club of Broad Ripple has spent over $5000 in sponsorship of the National Heritage Essay Contest.
[Left to Right] First Place Grand Prize Winner: Ben Batchelder, Clay Middle School, Teacher - Mr. Karl Knerr. Second Place Grand Prize Winner: Dawson Corea, St. Richard's Episcopal School, Teacher - Ms. Andrea Neal. Third Place Grand Prize Winner: Emily Ziatniski, St. Maria Goretti Catholic School, Teacher - Ms. Jackie Gaddis. Most Creative Essay Winner: Oliver Andrews, St. Richard's Episcopal School, Teacher - Ms. Andrea Neal.

National Heritage Essay Contest Winners
image courtesy of Sertoma Club of Broad Ripple

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