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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v10n01)
Reader's Random Rippling - The Walk Sign Is On - by Larry W. Mitchell
posted: Jan. 04, 2013

The Walk Sign Is On

In the bright early afternoon light of Guilford Avenue, the gusting wind grabbed an empty red beer-drinking cup and bounced it down the pavement. Each bounce resulted in staccato bonks or skipping clicks or kak, kak, kaks mixed for best effect. That was in my right ear. In my left, the street-crossing timer beat out an enthusiastic ''donk..donk..donk.." as tempo. This went on for one unexpectedly melodic moment. Then I walked out of it, east into the lee of a building, deprived, I remember thinking, wanting to turn and hear the music again. But that red cup had grounded itself on some gravel by the curb and the timer's tempo had stopped to verbally chaperon walkers across the street. The free concert was over. Then I remembered. Sidewalk minstrels often unexpectedly appeared across the street in front of Starbucks and once more there would be music in Broad Ripple.

- Larry W. Mitchell

Reader's Random Rippling - The Walk Sign Is On - by Larry W. Mitchell
image courtesy of Larry Mitchell
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