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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v10n01)
Right in my Own Backyard - Celebrating Our Backyards - by Brandt Carter
posted: Jan. 04, 2013

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Celebrating Our Backyards

Even I find it hard to believe that I have written more than 150 columns. I began Right in My Own Backyard in November 2004. Writing a bi-weekly "think piece" keeps me attentive to thoughts of the day, the week, the month or the season and then committing them to paper. The column title reflects my having grown up in the Broad Ripple area with many of my childhood memories having been formed in my backyard. This title has given me the latitude to write eclectically about nature, Broad Ripple memories, bird feeding advice, gardening, and recollections of yesteryear.
I have interviewed residents and guests of Broad Ripple, my family, and friends, researched at the library and on the internet to gather fodder to write my columns. I have celebrated Broad Ripple by reprinting James Whitcomb Riley's poem about Broad Ripple. Now I want to share the lyrics to a '20s song recorded by notables including Ruth Etting, Al Jolson, Billie Holiday, Patti Page, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Jerry Lewis, and Jimmy Dean. In the midst of its sentiments comes the time-honored phrase "back in your own backyard." Songwriters Billy Rose, Al Jolson, and Dave Dryer gave us enduring food for thought as they wrote:

"The bird with feathers of blue is waiting for you
Back in your own backyard
You'll see your castle in Spain through your windowpane
Back in your own backyard
Oh, you can go to the east, go to the west, someday you'll come
Weary at heart, back where you started from
You'll find your happiness lies right under your eyes
Back in your own backyard"

These lyrics capture the essence of why I am devoted to my yard and home. I do find joy in my backyard where I can look out and see the future - new growth, new wildlife visitors, new experiences - or I can take a long breath and remember the past - the snows, visions of long-gone dogs, young children playing tag, all now called memories.
My wish is that you will take time to reflect on your backyard. Delve into your memories and evoke your visions. Share them with family and friends; invite them to recount theirs in what can be a heart-warming conversation. And, thank you for reading this column.

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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