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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v09n25)
Parking meter update
by Alan Hague
posted: Dec. 14, 2012

All Indianapolis parking meters will now allow for longer time limits, making visits to restaurants, theaters, and shops more convenient. Motorists may purchase up to three hours before 5:00 P.M. in the Downtown area and Broad Ripple, six (6) hours in the near downtown areas and up to 10 hours at all other meter locations.

Parking meter update

Motorists can download a free app called Parker for their iPhone or Android device. The app provides real-time information to guide customers to open and available parking spaces. Icons note when more than four spaces are available (plenty of parking available), more than two spaces are available (some parking), or less than two spaces are available (limited parking). Parkerâ„¢ updates automatically when a car is parked or leaves a space. An optional voice feature provides an audible queue when available parking is nearby. The app also provides information about parking space time limits, pricing, and meter paying options, including links to pay by phone using Parkmobile. A "Park Now" button allows the driver to note where his or her car is parked and later find guidance back to the car if needed, set reminders, take a picture of a car, and add notes about the location.
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