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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v09n04)
The Wine Scene - by Jill A. Ditmire
posted: Feb. 17, 2012

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While the Groundhog slumbers, GOPHER these wines:

So Punxtawney Phil wants 6 more weeks of sleep? While he dreams about these wines and spirits we can have our own spring fling and DRINK them. All are BRAND NEW to Indiana and available at local wine shoppes.

La Ferla White, Italy-crisp dry Sicilian white for less than $10 THATS Amore!
La Ferla Red, Italy-fruity, dry Sicilian red begs for pizza, pasta, burgers.
Arona Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New Zealand-Quintessential New Zealand style-zippy, tangy, bright dry white. Sensational sipper. Fabulous label too!
Hannah Nicole Cabernet Franc, California-small producer from Central Coast CA-lush, bold, black fruit. This is a very special wine. Small production but worth the find.
Handcraft Pinot Noir, California-Fruity, feminine style of this food friendly red wine grape with gorgeous label on the bottle. Incredible aromas of cherry, strawberry with a touch of truffle. If you are thinking about trying red wine, this would make a superb starter bottle.
Handcraft Petite Syrah, California-bold, intense, lip smacking good example of a dry red wine grape. Inviting aromas and flavors of blackberry, mocha and jam. This is a BIG wine and one that will please any red wine drinker.
Hum Botanical Liqueur-Craft spirit made in Illinois; rum base infused with botanicals and cardamom and keffir lime. THIS is SPRING! Enjoy on the rocks, or Hum Martini, or a shot in a glass of sparkling wine. WE like to add it to a Mimosa-OJ and Champagne becomes a HUM dinger of a drink!

Jill A. Ditmire is an Omnimedia wine specialist, AWS certified wine judge, freelance broadcast journalist and 20+ year home owner in the Warfleigh neighborhood of Broad Ripple. Send your questions and comments to Jill at
Also on INSTAGRAM @jaditmire
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