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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v09n02)
Random Rippling - BRVA BizDiv met at Half-Baked Pottery
posted: Jan. 20, 2012

The Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) recently held the January Business Division meeting at Half-Baked Pottery, 918 Broad Ripple Avenue [H5 on map]. More than 40 business owners and managers attended the meeting which focused on the upcoming Super Bowl activities and how Broad Ripple will participate. Guilford Avenue from Broad Ripple Avenue to Westfield Boulevard will become a dedicated festivity area. The street will be closed starting on Wednesday evening, February 1, 2012. That section of Guilford will reopen on Monday morning, February 6, 2012. Information on Broad Ripple Super Bowl activities can be found at
To reduce parking congestion for visitors, parking shuttles are planned to allow local business employees to park at remote lots, such as at Broad Ripple Park.
Rides on IndyGo buses will be free from Thursday, February 2, though Sunday, February 5, 2012.
The next Business Division meeting will be at 8:30am on Thursday, February 8, 2012. The location has not yet been selected.

Random Rippling - BRVA BizDiv met at Half-Baked Pottery

Random Rippling - BRVA BizDiv met at Half-Baked Pottery

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