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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v08n20)
Broad Ripple History get-together at Legion
by Alan Hague
posted: Sept. 30, 2011

In addition to the regular 3rd Saturday of each month Broad Ripple History meetings, the Gazette held one on Saturday, September 10, 2011, at the Kennington Legion Post at 65th and Westfield Boulevard. There was a large turnout. Many breaded tenderloins were consumed as we sat around for hours and talked about Ed Schock's Toy and Hobby, Hughey-Hartman, Amy's Autoteria car wash system at 54th and Winthrop, TV News magazine, and many more topics of old Broad Ripple. The last history get-together for 2011 is planned for Saturday, October 15, at the White River Yacht Club from noon to 2pm.

Standing: Mike Freeland, Sharon Butsch Freeland, Steven Prange, Alan Hague, Bill Leahy, Don Albershardt, John Hague, Dee Hughey. Seated: Glen Hague, Jack Carter, Joe Lobraico, Bill Guy.
Standing: Mike Freeland, Sharon Butsch Freeland, Steven Prange, Alan Hague, Bill Leahy, Don Albershardt, John Hague, Dee Hughey. Seated: Glen Hague, Jack Carter, Joe Lobraico, Bill Guy.
image courtesy of Barbara Rendel

Broad Ripple History get-together at Legion
image courtesy of Barbara Rendel

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Broad Ripple History get-together at Legion
image courtesy of Barbara Rendel

Broad Ripple History get-together at Legion
image courtesy of Barbara Rendel

Brought to you by: Broad Ripple collector pins

Broad Ripple History get-together at Legion

Broad Ripple History get-together at Legion

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Broad Ripple collector pins

Jack Carter and Joe Lobraico
Jack Carter and Joe Lobraico

Alan Hague and Bill Leahy
Alan Hague and Bill Leahy

Broad Ripple History get-together at Legion

Broad Ripple History get-together at Legion
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