Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v08n16)
Gene Poston plaque unveiled at reception
by Alan Hague
posted: Aug. 05, 2011
To celebrate Gene Poston's 83rd birthday on July 31, 2011, the Broad Ripple High School Golden Singers held a party at BRHS in the lobby of the Gene R. Poston Auditorium. Poston led the Golden Singers starting in 1954 and served as Chairman of the BRHS Music Department and Director of Productions from 1960 through 1980 where he directed 23 Broadway musicals.
In 2007 the auditorium at BRHS was named "The Gene R. Poston Auditorium" and the Gene Poston foundation was started as a vehicle for giving back to the school and its students. So far, the foundation was awarded over $4200.
A large bronze plaque, on the wall of the auditorium lobby near the ticket windows, was unveiled at the reception.
David Summers III, Class of 1974
Gene Poston led the attendees in a chorus of Hail Alma Mater, accompanied by Lucinda Paul on the piano.