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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v08n14)
History Saturday MOVING!
by Alan Hague
posted: Jul. 08, 2011

Starting in July, 2011, History Saturday is moving to a new time and location. We will meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month from noon to 2pm at the White River Yacht Club. Lunch will be available for purchase. Where is the WRYC? Ahh! That is the tricky part. It is on the east bank of the White River at about 74th Street. I recommend NOT trying to get there from the south, because of the street layouts through Ravenswood.
Directions (although if you are really cool, you will come in your yacht!):
1) Come to Ruth Drive and Keystone Avenue. It is between 75th and 71st. This is where Walmart is.
2) Turn west onto Ruth Drive (Turning east onto Ruth would take you into the Walmart center).
3) Take Ruth Drive west towards the river about 5 blocks and turn north (right) onto Ralston Avenue.
4) Take Ralston about 2 blocks north to 74th Street which is clearly marked. You can only turn left here, west, toward the river. 74th Street will turn into the White River Yacht Club parking lot.
What is History Saturday? It is an open forum to share your memories of anything from the greater Broad Ripple area so they can be preserved. It can be about Glendale, Rocky Ripple, Ravenswood, etc. Maybe you have a picture of a streetscape, or a business that is long gone, or of people you remember. Stories shared at the June meeting included walking past Hoster-Roberts Ford on Broad Ripple Avenue, having "the best breakfast in Broad Ripple" at the Alley Cat before heading to the barber, and buying war bond stamps at School 80 so you could get lunch at the church across the street. Send me your email address and I will add you to the email reminder list.
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