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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v08n12)
Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #121
posted: Jun. 10, 2011

The Town of Broad Ripple was incorporated in 1894, and started holding regular meetings at that time. In each issue, I will print my transcription of the old Town of Broad Ripple meeting minutes. These are taken from the original, hand-written minutes that contain many spelling errors. I have transcribed all the records as they were entered, including errors. I will make some corrections to the text in brackets [ ]. The original minutes books are at the Indiana State Archives at 6440 E. 30th St.

Here is the one hundred twenty-first installment:

lights for the town and an iron bridge for the canal

Sep 10 - 1901
An ordinance providing for the lighting of the streets and alleys of the Town of Broad Ripple, Marion County Indiana and declaring an emergency.
Sec 1
Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Broad Ripple at a meeting held on the above date for the purpose of purchasing lights to light the streets and alleys of the Town of Broad Ripple, That the trustees enter into a contract with R.C. Light to furnish twelve Kitson lights at sixty six dollars per light said lights to be of two thousand candle power and the same to be put up in such places as the Town Board may designate Said lights to be put up as soon as practicable.
Jas. H. Brady (Pres) HL Poindexter clerk

Broad Ripple Ind Oct 1st 1901
Board met in regular session. All members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Bill of $10.00 for 1 years services for J W Bates as Health Officer from Oct 1 1900 to Oct 1 1901 allowed. Bill of F.A. Shields for Marshal Salary Sept 14 to Oct 14 $25.00. 50 cents for assistance in cleaning fire engine and $1.00 for 1 Lb. of rubber gaskets. Total $26.50 allowed.
Also a bill of $6.00 for 4 months salary as Town Clerk for HC Poindexter allowed. Correspondence from Clerk of Pendleton Ind. read relative to Town Lights. Regular motion and second. EH Pursel was ordered to buy and put on office door a spring lock with 2 or 3 keys. No further business, board adjourned to meet Oct 11 in special session to take final action on street lights and consider bridge across canal at Cherry St.
C.L. Kirk clerk approved 10/11/1901 Jas. H. Brady "Pres"

Broad Ripple Ind Oct 11 1901
Board met in Spc session. All members present. Minutes of Oct 1 read and approved.
The ordinance providing for the Town purchasing Lights to light the Town having posted for 30 days and being effective The Board proceeded to consider the matter of purchasing lights for the Town. On motion of CW Silvey, Second by J.O. Brenneman the Board ordered 12 Kitson Lights of R.C. Light at $66.00 per lamp installed, the Town paying the freight. The terms of the sale being ½ cash and giving the Town's note for the other half. Said note bearing 6% interest and due one year after date.
On motion of J.O. Brenneman the following Resolution was passed "and adopted" When as" As the Town has purchased twelve Kitson Lamps of R.C. Light Therefore be it resolved that the CIL Ry Co. be notified of the above purchase and that the Town hereby require the said Ry Co. to provide the same kind of lights for four of their crossings in the said Town. This in accordance with an act of the next Legislature.
The Town agrees to maintain the lights after they are duly installed by the Ry Co.
The board set Oct 12 at ten oclock as the time to meet Mr. Sommers and confir with him relative to the replacing of the wooden bridge across the canal at Cherry Street with the iron bridge that was taken down at the locks.
Board adjourned.
Approved Nov 5th 1901
Jas H Brady Pres. C.L Kirk clerk
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