Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v07n12)
Random Rippling - BRVA Zoning meeting - paddlewheeler
by Alan Hague
posted: Jun. 11, 2010
The public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) Zoning and Land Use Committee met at Broad Ripple United Methodist Church on May 25, 2010. There were three items on the agenda.
The first item was by Wasted Space located at 915 Broad Ripple Avenue, next to La Jolla Mexican Restaurant. The request is to transfer a three-way liquor license that is being held is escrow by the owner of La Jolla to Wasted Space. Wasted Space, formerly Michael's Jewelry before Michaels moved around the corner on Winthrop Avenue, is a small venue that can be rented for dinners and parties. It was agreed that Wasted Space would only be used as a rental venue and not a restaurant/bar.
The second item was informational only, there has been no request as yet for a permit or a variance. The proposal is to launch an 80 foot paddlewheel boat on the White River for hire. Many ideas were discussed, including docking it at Broad Ripple Park or at an existing business along the river. Several old postcards were shown of the three paddlewheelers that ran along the White River at Broad Ripple in the early 1900's - The Sunshine, The Moonshine, and The Perseverance. The boat, with a capacity for about 120 adults, could be available for private parties and dinners sponsored by local restaurants.
The last item on the agenda was for Monon Place Apartments, located at 5900 Carvel Avenue. Buckingham Properties had a rezoning request granted for Monon Place about 18 months ago. That request included razing the existing McNamara building on 61st Street, adding new apartment buildings, and the addition of new retail space along 61st Street. Buckingham has revised their development plan to convert the proposed retail spaces along 61st Street into apartments.
The next scheduled public meeting of the BRVA zoning committee is June 22, 2010, and Broad Ripple United Methodist Church at 6pm.