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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n14)
Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #107
posted: Jul. 04, 2008

The Town of Broad Ripple was incorporated in 1894, and started holding regular meetings at that time. In each issue, I will print my transcription of the old Town of Broad Ripple meeting minutes. These are taken from the original, hand-written minutes that contain many spelling errors. I have transcribed all the records as they were entered, including errors. I will make some corrections to the text in brackets [ ]. The original minutes books are at the Indiana State Archives at 6440 E. 30th St.

Here is the one-hundred seventh installment:

Saloons instructed to close on Sundays

Broad Ripple
Jan 1st 1901

Board met in regular session Mr. J.O. Brenneman being absent. Mr. Heady acting as President of the Board. The Salary of the Marshal $21.00 was allowed and $20.70 was allowed Omar Boardman for 207 loads of gravel. No further business the board adjourned.
W.B.S. Florander Clerk
C.W. Heady President

Broad Ripple
Feb 5 1901

Board met in regular session. Mr. Heady acting as President of the Board in the absence of Mr. Brenneman. Minuts of the previous Meetings read and approved.
The bill in favor of C. W. Heady and Son for 1 barrel of Salt $1.60 was allowed and also the Marshalls Sallary for the month $21.00 was allowed.
No further business the board adjourned.
W.B.S. Florander Clerk
C.W. Heady President of Board

Broad Ripple
March 6th 1901

Board met in regular session all members being present. The marshals Salary of $21.00 for the time up to the 10th of March was allowed.
Resolved by the board of Trustees that owing to the trouble which the Marshal had with several drunken People on last Sunday Evening he is hereby instructed to notify the several Saloonkeepers to keep their Barr Rooms closed on Sundays.
The Marshal was instructed to fix and repair the Roof of the Jail and also to get the Lumber to put a floor on the Engine Room and to see that the same is laid down in a proper Manner. He was also allowed to procure 2 pair of Handcuffs.
No further business the board adjourned.
W.B.S. Florander Clerk
John O. Brenneman President of the Board
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