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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n14)
Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: Jul. 04, 2008

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Happy Birthday America!! Independence, what a glorious word. Feeling free to choose one's own path and not be dependent on others is a great concept. This great experiment of Independence has lasted 232 years.
I watched the John Adams series, and the most poignant and powerful moment came when the vote was taken to declare independence. As each of the colony's representatives stated their "yes" the tension grew until the final tally of 12 "yes" and 1 abstention was realized. The silence after the vote was deafening as the men realized what they had done.
When examining that scene, one has to question whether or not the men were acting independently. Are we ever truly independent of one another? The colonies had become the United States. They were uniting in their opposition, and they really needed each other for the dark days that were ahead of them. Independence came at a substantial cost, and our continued freedom has been purchased in the blood of more than a million men and women who were united in order to further the cause.
We are independent only to a certain extent. Our dependence on each other, as well as our banding together for a cause has been the central theme for major events throughout history. What will future generations say about us? Will they recognize all the petty things that separate us and keep us from working together to accomplish great things? Are we willing to exhibit the strength of character and the kind of faith that moves mountains in order to leave this world a better place after we're gone? Just a few things to ponder as we celebrate this Independence Day. Have a safe and thoughtful Holiday.

Tim has been a United Methodist Pastor since 1973 and has been at Broad Ripple United Methodist since 2003. Email your questions/comments to
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