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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n13)
Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
posted: Jun. 20, 2008

By Bob Schmidt

One of the Gazette's favorite performers, Abigail Washburn, happened to visit a town a bit east of Broad Ripple last September 23rd-Far East in fact. Former Gazette photographer Bob Schmidt is currently working in Beijing, China and attended the a local Jazz Festival where Ms. Washburn performed with 3 local musicians. Although she is known for mixing unusual instrument combinations like cello and banjo for her compositions, this concert featured 3 instruments not often heard in American bluegrass: Zhong Ruan, PiPa, and GuZheng.

Abigail Washburn sings and plays banjo in Beijing at the 2007 Beijing Jazz Festival.
Abigail Washburn sings and plays banjo in Beijing at the 2007 Beijing Jazz Festival.
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

The performance featured several songs from Washburn's CD "Song of the Traveling Daughter" including an extended and powerful version of the title song. The combination of Far-East and down-home resonated with the crowd. Between songs, she was comfortable talking to the audience in both Mandarin and English. The late-day sun sank low in the sky and suddenly broke through the periphery of the stage backdrop, providing a glorious golden touch to a unique musical moment.
After the set, most of the crowd moved to an alternate stage for the next performance, but many fans clustered at the stage exit and were pleased to get extended conversations and picture-taking with the performers, especially Ms. Washburn.
Since this visit to Beijing was not part of a tour, Abigail said she was excited to have some time to just hang out with friends and acquaintances in China. She has recently been touring with the group "Uncle Earl" and her "Sparrow Quartet" became the first American group to play in Tibet. She has a new album scheduled for April 2008, and plans a return trip to China this year.
A video crew from CBS News filmed at the concert and put together a nice piece which is available on the web, datelined December 4, 2007 and titled "An International Language."

From left to right: Wang Yi Ping on the Zhong Ruan (circular oversized wooden banjo type of instrument,) Dong Nan on the Pi Pa (the pear shaped instrument,) and Qiu Ji playing the GuZheng (horizontal instrument, somewhat like a zither.)
From left to right: Wang Yi Ping on the Zhong Ruan (circular oversized wooden banjo type of instrument,) Dong Nan on the Pi Pa (the pear shaped instrument,) and Qiu Ji playing the GuZheng (horizontal instrument, somewhat like a zither.)
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

Random Rippling - Abigail Washburn concert in Beijing - by Bob Schmidt
image courtesy of Bob Schmidt from

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