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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n13)
Green Broad Ripple - Slow Food - by Cortellini
posted: Jun. 20, 2008

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Slow Food
An overarching idea at the core of going Green is the notion that it is good, if not essential, to slow our current pace of life. Our embrace of the industrialized way, with its emphasis on mechanized efficiency, unrelenting competition, and demands for maximized productivity, has forced us, within a single generation, to completely change the way we live. It was not so long ago that life accommodated time for friends and family, walks in the wilderness, home cooked meals, impromptu conversation with neighbors on the front porch, story reading at bedtime, and unsupervised sports and games we made up ourselves. Today, both mom and dad need to work, long work hours are expected, food is selected for its convenience, children need to be rushed off to school and then to other organized activities via the automobile, and socialization is promulgated electronically. We baby boomers can probably still remember those simpler times but many born after 1980 only catch glimpses of the simpler life on vintage television programs and it must seem just as distant as any other television fantasy. Many in our culture are now sensing that the hectic life we currently lead has ceased to improve our happiness.
This sense of dissatisfaction entered my life at the end of the last century thus I began to look for new hopeful opportunities to change that situation not only for me but for others suffering the same malady. Near the end of 2002 I ran across the following statement:

"Recognizing that the enjoyment of wholesome food is essential to the pursuit of happiness, Slow Food USA is an educational organization dedicated to stewardship of the land and ecologically sound food production; to the revival of the kitchen and the table as centers of pleasure, culture, and community: and to living a slower and more harmonious rhythm of life."

This spoke to me. How elegant. While tackling all the ills brought to us by Industrialization may seem overwhelming, the revival of the kitchen and the table seems imminently doable. There is something poetic in an advocacy effort to change the fundamentals of a culture through the seductive pleasure of preparing and enjoying great food. Sign me up.
I delved into research into Slow Food movement and things only got better. The above is the Slow Food USA Mission and here is the Slow Food International Manifesto:

"Endorsed and approved in 1989 by delegates from 20 countries
Our century, which began and has developed under the insignia of industrial civilization, first invented the machine and then took it as its life model.
We are enslaved by speed and have all succumbed to the same insidious virus: Fast Life, which disrupts our habits, pervades the privacy of our homes and forces us to eat Fast Foods.
To be worthy of the name, Homo Sapiens should rid himself of speed before it reduces him to a species in danger of extinction.
A firm defense of quiet material pleasure is the only way to oppose the universal folly of Fast Life.
May suitable doses of guaranteed sensual pleasure and slow, long-lasting enjoyment preserve us from the contagion of the multitude who mistake frenzy for efficiency.
Our defense should begin at the table with Slow Food. Let us rediscover the flavors and savors of regional cooking and banish the degrading effects of Fast Food.
In the name of productivity, Fast Life has changed our way of being and threatens our environment and our landscapes. So Slow Food is now the only truly progressive answer.
That is what real culture is all about: developing taste rather than demeaning it. And what better way to set about this than an international exchange of experiences, knowledge, projects?
Slow Food guarantees a better future. Slow Food is an idea that needs plenty of qualified supporters who can help turn this (slow) motion into an international movement, with the little snail as its symbol."

I did learn later that the 1989 conference, held in Paris, where this manifesto was written and Slow Food International was founded, was a boisterous affair lasting several days and as many sleepless nights where the forming of ideas and the writing process was aided by the consumption of large quantities of red wine. Never the less, looking back nearly 20 years, the words seem prophetic.
In early 2003 Patty (my wife) and I, along with a number of friends, founded the local chapter of Slow Food USA. Local chapters are known as conviviums because they promote conviviality. Although the mission has changed a bit, Slow Food Indy is still very active today. You can get information at "Green" or "Slow", we share a vision for a better future. Candace's Urban Garden may give us cause to celebrate together - over food, wine and, of course, conviviality.

Cortellini is a licensed architect in the states of Indiana and Arizona. He holds a BFA from Indiana University Herron School of Art. He has taught architectural technology at the college level at several universities and has pursued independent artistic endeavors. His architectural practice has focused on residential and small commercial projects. He has recently committed his practice to designing Green buildings, is a member of the US Green Building Council and is a LEED Accredited Professional. Send questions/comments to
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