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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n10)
by Alan Hague
posted: May 09, 2008

Recent Zoning and Development
2007-DV1-063 6302 Guilford Avenue (Approximate Address), Steve Hess, by Mary E. Solada Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to provide for the construction of a two-story, 6,000-square foot building with zero off-street parking spaces (off-street parking required, under the parking requirement for a tavern use, approximately 85 parking spaces would be required).
2008-UV1-005 6419 Carrollton Avenue (Approximate Address) Petitioner/Agent: MoMac Realty, LLC, by Cameron F. Clark Request(s): VARIANCE OF USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to provide for the retail sales of clothing, jewelry and accessories, and home furnishings and decor items (not permitted), with five off-street parking spaces (minimum twenty required).
2008-UV1-010 6201 North College Avenue (Approximate Address), Petitioner/Agent: George S. Dury Request(s): VARIANCE OF USE of the Dwelling Districts Zoning Ordinance to provide for an antique store (not permitted).
2008-DV1-012 823 and 825 East Westfield Boulevard (Approximate Addresses) Petitioner/Agent: Counter Culture by Patachou d/b/a Petite Chou, by Andi M. Metzel Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to provide for a 954 square foot outdoor seating area (maximum 200-square feet of outdoor seating permitted), with a zero-foot front setback from the existing right-of-way or Westfield Boulevard (minimum ten-foot front setback required), with seventeen off-street parking spaces (minimum 27 spaces required).
2008-DV1-016 515 East 62nd Street (Approximate Address), Indianapolis Petitioner/Agent: Larry Gates d/b/a Hoosier Heritage Homes, by Theodore Geisking Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Flood Control Zoning Ordinance to provide for the construction of a single-family dwelling, with a finished floor elevation of 718.2 feet (minimum elevation of 722.5 feet, or two feet above the base flood elevation, required), with one-square inch of flood venting per square foot of enclosed building area (minimum one square foot per two square feet of enclosed building area required).
2008-DV2-011 1134 East 54th Street (Approximate Address), Indianapolis Petitioner/Agent: Leland Company, L.P., by David Kingen Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to provide for: a) A 790-square foot outdoor seating area (not permitted), b) an integrated center with 40 off-street parking spaces (minimum 113 spaces required), with ten parking spaces having improper maneuvering area (proper maneuvering area required) and 30 parking spaces having an area between 140 and 160 square feet (minimum 180-square foot parking area required), c) and carry out food service within 56 feet of a protected district (100-foot separation required).
2008-DV3-012 5601 North Illinois Street (Approximate Address), Petitioner/Agent: Morris Brother's Company, Inc., by David Kingen Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to provide for an approximately 360-square foot outdoor seating area (not permitted), with a zero-foot front setback from the existing right-of-way of North Illinois Street (minimum ten-foot front setback required), with 41 off-street parking spaces (48 off-street parking spaces required) and to legally establish carry-out food service within 74 feet of a protected district (minimum 100-foot separation required)
2008-DV3-013 1115 Broad Ripple Avenue (Approximate Address), Petitioner/Agent: T-Mobile Central, LLC, by Stephen E. Carr Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Wireless Communications Zoning Ordinance to provide for a wireless communications facility without the required surrounding landscaping (not permitted).
2007-ZON-129 5900 CARVEL AVENUE AND 1111 EAST 61st STREET (Approximate Address), BUCKINGHAM MONON, LLC, by Tim Ochs, requests REZONING of 13.67 acres, from the D-7 District, to the D-P classification to provide for a total of 286 apartment units and 12,450 square feet of commercial space for C-1 and C-3 uses.
2008-SE3-002 1115 Broad Ripple Avenue (Approximate Address), Indianapolis Petitioner/Agent: T-Mobile Central, LLC, by Stephen E. Carr Request(s): SPECIAL EXCEPTION of the Wireless Communications Zoning Ordinance to provide for a 108-foot tall monopole wireless communications tower with accessory electronic equipment to be located in the storage area of the concession stand-ticket booth and the ground south of the concession stand-ticket booth.
NOTE: descriptions in parenthesis such as, "not permitted" and "minimum ... required", are describing the current zoning for the property. The variance is being sought to deviate from those limitations.

Alcoholic Beverage Permits:
DL4921686 Kroger 65th & Keystone dealer
DL4923918 Circle K 70th & Keystone dealer
DL4923914 Circle K 49th and Penn dealer
DL4914272 Kahn's dealer
RR4905500 Red Key Tavern 3-way renewal
RR4908444 Mouse Trap 3-way renewal
DL4923928 Fresh Market dealer - 2-way new
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