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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v05n07)
Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: Mar. 28, 2008

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Easter is now over and Spring has officially begun. Warmer temperatures will be here soon, and with it our minds turn to thoughts of new life as we watch the trees bud and plants begin to burst forth from the ground. Spring is a time when we do our Spring cleaning. In our house Spring cleaning is a process where the old either goes in the trash, or gets spiffed up to be used in a new way. Spring is a time of change and renewal, and that change hopefully is not limited to the physical, but also includes the way we think, feel, and judge the life that we're living.
The society that we live in places a high price (or judgment) on what people do for a living. A person's worth is viewed in part by what they do to earn the money that is needed to survive. Praise is heaped on those who are judged to be "celebrities", as if that status somehow makes them more important or valuable people.
Christianity contends that a person can become a "new creature", and that it is what a person does in actions and attitudes that really defines that person's character. Whether you are a movie star or a garbage collector is of no consequence to God, but what matters is how you live your life.
I understand how some people want nothing to do with churches because of behaviors that they have observed in the church. People are fallible, and that is never going to change. However, followers of Christ look past the human sinful nature that exist everywhere, and instead focus that worship time on learning to follow Christ. For a follower of Christ it doesn't matter what your function is in society. Followers of Christ are Christian's first, and then (fill in the blank) after that. That is one of the exciting things about Christianity. It is open to everyone regardless of what occupation one holds.
As Spring emerges and we clean out our homes and prepare our environments for new growth, let's not limit Spring time to the physical. Let this Spring be a time of self reflection. Let it be a time to see with new eyes, hear with new ears, and love with new hearts.

Tim has been a United Methodist Pastor since 1973 and has been at Broad Ripple United Methodist since 2003. Email your questions/comments to
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