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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v04n11)
The History of Broad Ripple: The Scott Family of Old Broad Ripple - by Wally Scott
posted: Jun. 01, 2007

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The Scott Family of Old Broad Ripple
by Wally Scott

Albert Simmons

Albert Simmons was a friend to everyone he met and a great source of help to me as a very young and inexperienced father of two. Albert made his living as a carpenter and painter and he made people laugh, in his spare time, as an entertainer of note.
Albert was blessed with a beautiful baritone voice which he loved to use in imitating all the characters on the old Amos and Andy radio show. Remember? Albert would slip up on people who were having a difference of opinion and all of a sudden they would be hearing comments from Amos or Andy and all the other characters from that show until everyone was smiling and laughing, having forgotten what their disagreement was about, but they would always remember Albert as a great peace maker.
Albert also liked to sing the old gospel songs of the day but seldom had the opportunity. I remember so well that on several occasions Albert would hear my dear mother at her piano on a summer evening playing the hymns she loved so much. With all our windows open, it was like her playing a concert for all of our neighbors and it wouldn't be long before Albert would be at our door to ask mom if he could join her with his wonderful singing voice. Mom would often remind Albert of the late hour and send him on his way. But it was very evident that mom loved singing with Albert.

Henry Toby

Henry was our neighbor across the alley and a very good-hearted man in all situations. Henry's main business venture was digging basements with his team of fine horses using a large metal scoop and a drag line. I used to love watching him work and listening as he communicated with his team as no other man could do. The language was not fit for Sunday School but that was Henry Toby at his best and the team knew exactly what he was trying to accomplish.
On one occasion our little brother was sitting at our large round table with all the rest of the seven children in our family preparing for the evening meal. Little brother came forth with quite a blast of Mr. Toby's choice words and we were all shocked at his ability to remember all the words that he so professionally used when he didn't even have a team of horses to yell at. Mother was very upset and became quite indignant when the rest of us, including our father, had a good laugh about the whole incident.
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