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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v04n09)
Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: May 04, 2007

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I just don't get it. After watching the news coverage on Virginia Tech, I continue to wonder what is wrong with people. The gunman left a note saying "you caused me to do this". Wrong! Nobody causes anyone to create this kind of horror. Everything we do, we do by our own choosing. No one is responsible for our actions but ourselves. I understand that there are desperate people out there who feel isolated and angry at the world I just don't understand why they have to take innocent lives whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
An issue the media is trying to resolve is whether the gunman was suffering from a mental condition that contributed to his faulty thinking, or if he was bullied, harassed and picked on to the point of breaking? Why are we, as a society, so easy to anger and so hate-filled? Why do we think it is o.k. to take our nastiness out on others?
Those are some pretty interesting questions that deserve some attention and prayers.
I have to wonder what would happen if the media only covered people who were doing good, positive things to strengthen their communities. There are numerous places where people can find help, make friends, and build relationships. In this community alone, there are many churches filled with people and programs who would readily welcome a lonely, desperate, isolated person. There is enough love in this community - and communities around the world to stop all this senseless violence. So why does it continue to happen?
Somehow we have bought into societies perception that the whole world revolves around us. We were created to be in connection with one another. We need each other no matter how much society tries to tell us that we don't. With all the different faiths and styles of worship in this community it isn't hard to find a place to fit in. Violence isn't the answer. Spending time around people who are positive and trying to make a difference will greatly improve your perception of the world.

Tim has been a United Methodist Pastor since 1973 and has been at Broad Ripple United Methodist since 2003. Email your questions/comments to
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