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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v04n03)
by Alan Hague
posted: Feb. 09, 2007

Recent Zoning and Development

2007-DV2-005 6548 Cornell Avenue (Approximate Address), Winward Investments, LLC, by David Kingen, Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Dwelling Districts Zoning Ordinance to provide for all C-1 uses and limited C-3-C uses (not permitted), and a VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Sign Regulations to provide for a four-foot tall, twelve-square foot ground sign (not permitted), with a three-foot front setback from the right-of-way of Cornell Avenue (minimum fifteen-foot front setback required).


2006-UV1-016 6310 North College Avenue (Approximate Address), Zoning District(s): D-7 (FF) Clarence Kirby and Daniel Detrick, Request(s): VARIANCE OF USE of the Dwelling Districts Zoning Ordinance to provide for the construction of a 50-foot tall, four-story structure with five condominium units on the upper floors and parking on the lower floor (not permitted, maximum height of 35 feet permitted), with 50 feet of frontage on a public street (150 feet of frontage on a public street required) with a fourteen-foot front setback (minimum 40-foot front setback required), with a one-foot north side setback (minimum four-foot side setback required), resulting in an eight-foot side yard aggregate (minimum sixteen-foot side yard aggregate required), with a thirteen-foot rear yard setback (minimum twenty-foot rear yard setback required), with a floor area ratio of 1.65 (maximum floor area ratio of 0.350 permitted), and an open space ratio of 0.61 (minimum open space ratio of 2.100 permitted), and a livability space ratio of 0.21 (minimum livability space ratio of 1.2500 permitted), and a major livability space ratio of 0 (minimum major livability space ratio of 0.140 permitted).


New Permit Steel Pony Saloon
RR4911596 Naked Tchopstix new 3-way
RR4908139 Spin Nightclub new 3-way

NOTE: descriptions in parenthesis such as, "not permitted" and "minimum ... required", are describing the current zoning for the property. The variance is being sought to deviate from those limitations.
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