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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v04n02)
by Alan Hague
posted: Jan. 26, 2007

Recent Zoning and Development

2006-ZON-861 4902, 4918, 4922, 4926 AND 4930 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE AND 2006-VAR-861 650 EAST 49TH STREET (Amended), requests REZONING of 1.157 acres, from the D-5 (W-5) and C-3 (W-5) Districts, to the C-S (W-5) classification to provide for five dwelling units and neighborhood commercial uses. VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to provide for: a) a 38 foot tall, 33,300-square foot building b) with a forty-foot front setback from the centerline of College Avenue c) with a zero-foot front setback along 49th Street , d) with a zero-foot front setback along 50th Street (min 20ft front transitional yard required), e) a building with a zero-foot front setback to be located within the clear sight triangle at the intersection of 49th Street and College Avenue f) a building with a zero-foot front setback to be located within the clear sight triangle at the intersection of 50th Street and College Avenue g) 27 parking spaces and a portion of an interior drive aisle within the required twenty-foot west transitional side yard , h) a total of 47 parking spaces, i) with zero loading spaces, j) a total of 12 parking spaces along the alley to measure 140 square feet (180 square feet required), and k) outdoor seating


RR4922087 Sunflower Market renewal
RR4922869 Noodles & Co new 2-way
RR4903055 Casba renewal
RR4922075 Hoghead's BBQ renewal

NOTE: descriptions in parenthesis such as, "not permitted" and "minimum ... required", are describing the current zoning for the property. The variance is being sought to deviate from those limitations.
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