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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n24)
New BRHS principal ensures that students come first - By Michael Walker
posted: Dec. 01, 2006

When one student entered New Beginnings High School, an alternative school for misguided youth, he found the temptation for dropping out too appealing. Greg Allen, former Principal of New Beginnings, refused to give up on the young student. Two years later the student graduated with honors, scored phenomenally on the SATs, and became the president of the student council.

New BRHS principal ensures that students come first - By Michael Walker

That year, Allen and another colleague drove the student and his mother to Purdue University to enroll for classes and orientation.
"To see the smile on his face and the smile on his mother's face was priceless," Allen said.
On June 12, 2006, Allen began as the new principal for Broad Ripple High School. With his experiences, philosophies, and goals, Allen hopes to bring the school to global recognition.
Allen plans to push BRHS to meet the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) that is mandated under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Through higher attendance and graduation rates, Allen's vision includes making BRHS a four-star high school that promotes arts and humanities.
Another improvement will include a partnership between BRHS and the International School of Indiana. By creating a student exchange between the schools, students from both schools can participate in baccalaureate programs and advanced performing arts. Allen believes students from BRHS will benefit from international exposure.
After meeting with the class of '56, Allen dedicated himself to honoring the Alumni Association. Allen began a project to establish an annual fair to recognize distinguished alumni from BRHS. In addition to the fair, Allen opened a large room for the operation the Alumni Association. The room, called the Alumni and Parent Conference Center, has dozens of chairs, tables, and a collage featuring pictures and newspaper clippings from BRHS history.
Over a dozen plaques, pictures, and ornaments of recognition commemorate Allen's long track-history as an administrator and teacher throughout the years. One plaque reminds viewers that Allen has had experience at Broad Ripple High School prior to his hiring as Principal.
"You taught us how to wrestle and you helped us believe in ourselves," reads the gold plate from Allen's two years of teaching Industrial Arts and coaching the Broad Ripple Wrestling team.
Prior to his administrative position at BRHS, Allen acted as a Vice Principal at Manual High School for 2 years, Arlington High School for 8 years, and then moved to New Beginnings High School to become a Principal for 6 years.
He attended Ball State University for an Industrial Arts major, and a minor in Physical education. Later, Allen achieved a Master's Degree and an Administrators License from Butler University.
Allen, the oldest child of five, was raised in Indianapolis, and often left to care for his younger siblings. Currently, Allen is married and a father to four children named Amber, Greg Jr., Kayla, and Camryn.
With students, Allen recognizes the potential in every student. He plans to work with every student to make BRHS into the best High School available.
"It is truly imperative the students come first, and that every adult that deals with a youngster on a day-to-day basis understands that they play a significant role in that child's life."

New BRHS principal ensures that students come first - By Michael Walker

New BRHS principal ensures that students come first - By Michael Walker

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