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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n23)
CCI Update from Ruiz - Introducing Ruthie - by Elizabeth Hague
posted: Nov. 17, 2006

by Elizabeth Hague
Our first service-dog-in-training, Ruiz, has been in advanced training at Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) near Columbus, Ohio, for almost three months. He is nearing the end of his first "semester" and will train for another one before graduating. Over half of his classmates have been released from the program for various reasons which include medical issues, alert barking, protecting food or toys, and other inappropriate behaviors.
We have received three reports on Ruiz's progress since he's been gone. He passed all his temperament tests and his hips and elbows are in good shape. He's willing to work, eager to please, and he walks well on leash. Unfortunately, he still demonstrates excitable greetings. While he didn't jump on people or run around when meeting someone, he was easily distracted by anyone with a smile and a kind word. He is supposed to be attentive to his handler while ignoring all others and it was an issue we dealt with constantly.
Ruiz is learning to work alongside a wheelchair. He's learning to "get" (retrieve) things and to "hold" items in his mouth until instructed otherwise. He has learned how to push open doors and shut drawers, and he's being trained to turn on light switches.
Three puppies from the Indianapolis area that were turned in last May for advanced training will be graduating on November 18. This is significant because less than half of the puppies raised will make it to graduation, yet all of the puppies raised here, in this particular class, will be graduating.
Ruthie is our new CCI puppy. We received her when she was nearly five months old, so she is old enough to go out in public to be socialized. We have already been to church, the chiropractor, the Farmers Market, the grocery store, the State Archives, the State Library, the Mutt Meet, a few restaurants, and the BR Methodist Church turkey dinner. At 40 pounds, she easily fits under tables and desks.
Ruthie's grandfather is Ruiz's father, but Ruthie is quite different from Ruiz - even though they are the same breed of ¾ Golden Retriever and ¼ Labrador Retriever. Her coat is not as golden as Ruiz's, and her eyes are darker. Unlike Ruiz, she entertains herself with her own toys. She likes to snuggle and is very sweet. Watch for Ruthie when we're out and about, but don't feel bad if you don't notice her. That is the ultimate compliment.

image courtesy of Elizabeth Hague

image courtesy of Elizabeth Hague

CCI Update from Ruiz - Introducing Ruthie - by Elizabeth Hague
image courtesy of Elizabeth Hague

CCI Update from Ruiz - Introducing Ruthie - by Elizabeth Hague
image courtesy of Elizabeth Hague

CCI Update from Ruiz - Introducing Ruthie - by Elizabeth Hague
image courtesy of Elizabeth Hague

CCI Update from Ruiz - Introducing Ruthie - by Elizabeth Hague
image courtesy of Elizabeth Hague

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