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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n23)
Right in my Own Backyard - First Shopping Experiences - by Brandt Carter
posted: Nov. 17, 2006

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First Shopping Experiences
Who doesn't remember those first shopping excursions on their own...such freedom, such a rush after following much yearning! We got to experience ours by riding a bike all alone to Broad Ripple or by being dropped off by a parent with an "I'll pick you up in an hour?"
This seems to be a rite of passage for any generation.
The other evening our family was dining in Broad Ripple, and my husband shared his first indelible experience. He told about his best friends - the invincible four - Allen, Steve, Jim, and Dick.
They finally were old enough to bike to Broad Ripple. Permission was granted, and their parents charged them with "We can trust you." Little did they realize that with this freedom came great responsibility.
They made a beeline for the G. C. Murphy dime store [where Peppers is today, at the corner of College and Broad Ripple Avenue -Alan]. . . ..a treasure trove for young shoppers. Yes, it did not go the way they thought it would.
The four boys were rounded up by the store detective and ushered into the manager's office. Someone was suspected of shoplifting. My husband told us his horrified reaction, but never told us who the culprit was, although he said it was not him.
My sister chimed in and had to second the excitement of going to Murphy's. It was critical that she keep up with her classmates - Tangee lipstick and a spiral notebook to be used as a truth book! Do you remember any of these?
I could not be outdone. I remember the time I coveted the latest trend. I had to go to the pet department, buy a dog collar and wear it around my ankles! Too much, it is a good thing that some things are fads.
We did have a good time recounting our first shopping experiences in Broad Ripple. It is amazing how something that happened almost fifty years ago could be so vivid.

G.C. Murphy Co., Circa 1970
G.C. Murphy Co., Circa 1970

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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