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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n12)
Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: Jun. 16, 2006

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I have been a father for 21 years, and at times it still is overwhelming. I feel so inadequate because I know I don't have all the answers. I am sure that I am not alone in this feeling.
Fatherhood is an awesome responsibility, but it can be rewarding at times. I wonder if that is how my Father in heaven thinks about me? I often hear people refer to God as "Father", but I truly believe that God is so much more than our finite minds can comprehend. God can choose to relate to people in any format that is pleasing to Him.
However, since Father's Day is approaching I'd like to focus my thoughts on God as Father.
I get very frustrated by my offspring at times, especially when they show no motivation towards building their future. They also seem to be pretty adept at doing the exact things I'd rather have them not doing. Then I realize that my Father in Heaven probably thinks the same way about me sometimes. The sin that I don't want to do seems to be the one that gets me over and over.
I'm sure God gets frustrated with me at times, yet when I ask for forgiveness He grants it without condition. God's love is greater than any sin I could ever commit. That is how I want to father my children. No matter what they do or how many times they break my heart, I will always love them, just as God does. To all the dads out there: "Hang on through the tough times, take joy in the good times, and love them always."
Happy Father's Day.

Tim has been a United Methodist Pastor since 1973 and has been at Broad Ripple United Methodist since 2003. Email your questions/comments to
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