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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n10)
Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: May 19, 2006

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Human beings need balance in their lives. We are designed to work, but that is only one area in which we are to find accomplishment and fulfillment. However, there are many people who define themselves solely by the jobs that they hold, and that is not what God intended. He created us to be complete people, and that means that the various areas of our lives are to be intertwined and work in conjunction with each other.
The spiritual, emotional, and physical parts of our bodies cannot be separated. They are intricately intertwined, and designed to compliment one another. True wholeness will not be attained until these parts of the body are in harmony.
The best way that I know to ensure wholeness and harmony is to make the time for meditation, prayer, and reading of the scriptures. By filling our minds with goodness, we are then able to keep emotional havoc at bay. Also of vital importance is to actually take the time to get away and see new sights, relax, and renew the mind. I know people who brag about never taking a vacation, as though that somehow makes them valuable. God took a day of rest, so that tells me right there that rest is an important aspect of our well being.
The governor has a new "Get in Shape Indiana" campaign. Lets absolutely work on physical wholeness, but I challenge you to do one better and go the extra mile to do things that will also ensure your emotional and spiritual well being. You might be surprised at how good a balanced life feels.

Tim has been a United Methodist Pastor since 1973 and has been at Broad Ripple United Methodist since 2003. Email your questions/comments to
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