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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n05)
Sister Karen's Kiln Project Underway
by Alan Hague
posted: Mar. 10, 2006

Sister Karen has been a potter for more than 30 years and maintains a simple studio in Broad Ripple. Unfortunately, the kiln she has been working with for many years is in need of replacement. In order to help her continue (and enhance) her ministry of art, her congregation and several of her friends have followed her lead in organizing The Kiln Project to raise $20,000 for the purchase of a new computerized kiln.
Monon Coffee Co. and The Potter's House are selling t-shirts to fund the project.
You can help us make a difference for a local artist, and in so doing allow the community at large to enjoy the beauty of unique clay vessels that reflect the talent of the artist as well as the guiding hand of the Master Potter. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin DePrey (317) 926-1346 or Jim Lauck (317) 692-9000. Without a doubt, Sister Karen would also be happy to talk with you about her art and her need for a new kiln.
The Potter's House (317) 253-4178
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