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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n05)
Follow-up on Smoke Free Indy
by Alan Hague
posted: Mar. 10, 2006

After hearing feedback from some readers on my article on Smoke Free Indy, I decided to do a short follow-up article. I focused the article in issue #4 on the exceptions to the ordinance - namely restaurants and bars.
A restaurant with a bar can decide to allow smoking on the premises if it only allows persons 18 and older as customers or employees. This was of interest to the Gazette - to see which previously family-friendly restaurants would ask for the exemption from the non-smoking ordinance, thereby excluding those under 18 years of age.
What I failed to understand was that there might be business owners that were not aware that the ordinance applies to all businesses. As of March 1, all businesses in Marion County must be non-smoking. The only allowable exceptions are the previously mentioned bars and restaurants, fraternal clubs, bowling alleys, and family-owned businesses whose employees are exclusively family members. The ordinance is available on the website In addition to the details of the exceptions, the ordinance also describes the fines that can be levied on businesses that violate the ordinance.
One part that is not included in the ordinance, due to compromise, is a requirement for a minimum distance from the doorway of a place of business where persons may smoke outdoors. The concern is that customers and restaurant patrons would have to "run the gauntlet" - pass through a pack of smokers to get to the entrance. Also, smoking near the entrance could allow smoke to come in the building every time the doors are opened. Instead of legislating a minimum distance, it is left to the individual business owner to regulate where smoking outside the facility is allowed.
As a service to our readers, the Gazette has added SF next to smoke free restaurants in our directory listing that is included in each issue. This addition is meant to help smokers and non-smokers plan their dining.
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